Personal Reflection

My Own 'Family Photograph'
When I first read this poem, I was struck by how accurately it defined what a family really was. In short, it helped the reader understand that family is an imperfect thing, but that its imperfection is something to cherish. Family is about staying together, no matter what problems and issues may divide it. Some people try to strive for the perfect family, when in reality, there is none. In fact, it is imperfection that makes every family unique.

The crying baby in the poem ruins the picture, yet the imperfection turns the photo into a candid, memorable, and accurate portrayal of their life, on that the family will come to cherish. In reading this, a sense of unwavering strength cam accross, one that I've always associated with familial bond.

That feeling is something many people, including myself can relate to. You don't necessarily want to be with you family all the time, but they're always there when you need them. There will always be arguments and conflict, but in the end, family is an infallible crutch to support you throughout your entire life. I see that in my own family, as I'm sure the poet does in hers. Family holds an incredible amount of people together. It is the wonton of life.

                                                                                                                                 -Robert Chun