Original Poem Analysis

My Grandma's House
This poem is based off my Grandma’s house in Springfield, Illinois. When writing this poem, I used William Carlos William’s style of painting a picture for the reader. However, I also tried to incorporate a theme of time standing still for the house, in comparison the bustling outside world. This ironic contrast was highlighted in the juxtaposition of modern stereo sets with vinyl records. In addition, I tried to reflect the stillness of the house with imagery of the Virgin Mary in eternal prayer, a prayer that has been continuing for over half a century. Her stone arms are unchanging, even while the world changes around her.

I chose to write about my Grandma’s house because it is so dear to me. Having spent weeks there every year, I have come to know it as my second home. For many people, the idea of a house without cable or a computer is terrifying. However, it offers me a serene break from the chaos of the outside world. I can read, take walks to the park, and relax. The simplicity of the house is invaluable to me. Of all the places on earth, I am most calm there. It’s a wonderful feeling at a wonderfully simple place.

                                                                                       -Robert Chun