The Completed Eggroll - My Goals

A Beautiful Thing
The final eggroll was, in short, what the factory was all about. As they were quickly frozen and shipped out in large boxes, there was a certain sense of pride and accomplishment. The creation of the eggroll required so many different forces acting together in a symphony of culinary inspiration that it was hard not to see a bit of yourself in every eggroll produced. They were physical representations of your hard work, a goal that you had strived for all day.

Just like the final eggroll, I have goals for which I hope to fulfill in my life. Many may be overly ambitious, but others are humble and realistic. I want to make a difference in people's lives. As Ghandi once expressed, I want to be the change I wish to see in the world. Whether that be in helping others in medicine, law, or some other profession, I understand what I want to do with my life.

These poems deal not only with things I want to change in the world but also the perseverance that will be required to achieve that change. Each poem is followed with an analysis and personal reflection.

                                                                               -Robert Chun
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