Personal Reflection

William Blake
       Experience always plays a huge role in one's life and affects the path that one's future takes. However, Blake analyzes experience from a very interesting perspective. He believes that experience is a burden that can only be attained through suffering and pain. I found this idea fascinating, but also disturbing. If one believes that experience can only be a burden and result from suffering, one ignores much of the human condition. We are not defined by our loss but rather our triumphs. To ignore the daily joy of human companionship, the simple happiness of family, and the laughter of everyday life, one attains a woefully incomplete picture of the human condition. Experience can be found in both joy in tragedy; it is not limited by whether or not it harms oneself.

       Furthermore, experience can often be a gift. The experience of joy and love gives one a better understanding of society, while the expereince of friendship gives one the ability to appreciate the personal aspects of life. Even experience from tragedy and mistake empowers oneself to live a better, fuller life uncompromised by loss. I consider experience as one of the most vital pieces of the human soul, one that Blake seems to not understand.

                                                                             -Robert Chun

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