Personal Reflection

Stephen Crane
In this poem, Crane asserts that virtue is not worth the seemingly lackluster reward. However, I believe strongly that the reward for virtue is hardly lackluster, but rather one of the greatest gifts one can recieve. Virue is setting a standard of moral excellence of one to follow, something that can guide oneself through decisions and troubled times. Crane's dismissal of that display's his incomplete understanding of virtue itself.

The reward of virtue is knowledge that you strive to achieve a certain moral level in everything you do, whether it be in the home,in school, or in the workplace. It is the strength that one can fall back on when faced with a difficult decision, and the foundation for your identity. To dismiss such a vital part of every person as transitory or worthless is dangerous. Indeed, by doing so, one can risk losing their identity. Understanding what one stand for and belives in is critical in establishing an identity. Indeed, the reward of virtue is so great that it is worth any sacrifice needed to attain it. Crane's poem, whether it be satire or not, highlights this fact. This poem reflects what I do not believe, and that's why I included it as part of my collection.

                                                                          -Robert Chun
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