Personal Reflection

This poem highlights something very dear to me, that being the relationship between my father and I. Edgar Guest's poem delves into the deep bond between father and son that I can easily relate to. Guest uses the example of a fishing trip to demonstrate the joy of companionship that the pair find in their time together. When I was little, my Dad and I would take near daily trips to parks across the western suburbs, often for hours at a time. We would pick our favorite places to play catch and explore the playground area with excited grins. Some of the best memories I have are my Dad and I racing off to the next park in his shiny, red Nissan 300ZX. I cherish these moments as some of the highlights of both my childhood and my life.

The portrayal of the father-son relationship generates an incredibly accurate feeling of pure joy and happiness that I can attest to. The moment I read this poem, I immediately thought back to the time I spent with my Dad alone in the park. The feeling is almost indescribable; however, Guest does a beautiful job of conveying it in his poem. The relationship between my Dad and I is one of the greatest pillars of my life, giving structure and support to it. Indeed, just like a wonton binds an eggroll together, my family holds me together every day of my life.

                                                                                           -Robert Chun

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